Wiping Cache + Video instruction
If you're stuck at 54% while logging in or experiencing
other log in problems, wiping the cache may be helpful.
Please follow thesesteps:
2. Search "run"
[ or press WIN + R ]
3. Type %appdata% thenenter
4. Press "backspace"
5. Click "LocalLow“
6.Select "Unity“
If you're stuck at 54% while logging in or experiencing
other log in problems, wiping the cache may be helpful.
Please follow thesesteps:
2. Search "run"
[ or press WIN + R ]
3. Type %appdata% thenenter
4. Press "backspace"
5. Click "LocalLow“
6.Select "Unity“
7. Click Webplayer
8. Delete (cachefolder)
If it’s problematic for you to
follow these steps,please have
a look at our video guide
Touch 3Claws Moderator[Germany]
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