Ranking System

Ranking System

General Information:

The 7 types of rankings on Touch are based on fortune, level, VIP, popularity, couple, guild, and achievement score. The higher your score, the closer you will be towards the top of the ranking list.

Every type of ranking will have an option of viewing rankings within the ZONE and SERVER. Other options to view are included in the couple and guild ranking.

The server option only allows you to view rankings on one specific server. Scroll down to find the server you want to see.

Types of Ranking

Fortune Ranking:
In this ranking, the more RC/CR/Lucky Coins that you spend (except in exchange) will be accumulated into the ranking system.

Level Ranking 

VIP Ranking

Popularity Ranking
In this ranking, the more popularity points a player has, the higher their rank will be. Popularity points can be gained when a player does an interaction with another. The player that receives the interaction will be the only one that receives the popularity points.

Couple Ranking

Guild Ranking

Achievement Ranking

Rewards from Ranking System: 

 Sky Wing Mix  

Sky Wing BK

Crown of Purple Cloud

Crown of the Purple Mist 

Moonlight Scepter 

Kissy Frog

Heart-S Accessory


Peacock Tail

Touch 3Claws Canada Moderator

Touch3Claws Players



Space Tour

Little Dream Butterfly

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