Hello thereeeee T-Dancer!
A 3Claws Support ticket is a written complaint or question addressed to 3Claws Support regarding a bug report, log-in problem, game related issues or other topics.
Where to Submit a Support 3Claws TicketTo submit a 3Claws support ticket you need to access the following page:
Once there, you have to log-in first, as shown below.
Then you can start to submit a ticket to 3Claws support.
Supporting screenshot files can also be attached to the ticket.
Once you've done submitting the ticket, please wait 48 hours business day until we can do help to solve or answer your problems.
Below is a list of recommendations to take into account when elaborating the ticket:
- use polite and respectful wording addressing to 3Claws Support.
- use appropriate punctuation and spelling.
- be concise and only add information and screenshot that you deem important in your case.
- inspect your ticket for typos or the details and or incomplete evidence.
- use racist, discriminatory or insulting language towards the any other person involved regardless of the gravity of your situation.
- use excessive pleading
- add irrelevant or redundant information.
- include personal 3Claws account information such as password. *e-mail and username are OK for evidence purpose*
- overuse punctuation marks, especially the exclamation mark.
So T-Dancer I really hope that it might helps you ^_^
Have a good day and happy gaming!
Have a good day and happy gaming!
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